Thursday, July 31, 2008

End of Summer Randomness

The end is in sight! School is right around the corner and we have been cramming things into the last few days. The girls were in a crafty mood today, my oldest wanted to knit and the thought of sitting down to teach her that technique was a bit overwhelming, but then I remembered The Crafty Crow featuring finger knitting this week (I loved that as a kid and had totally forgotten about it!) and it ended up being the perfect thing. If you haven't checked out The Crafty Crow you really should, they do a great job of rounding up craft projects from all different blogs and posting links each day. I probably star three or four projects from them every week. Anyway, here is what came of the finger knitting project...

A cute little scarf for Coconut. Doesn't he look pleased? I thought it was quite clever.

I mean seriously, this is pretty cute.

Luckily, the youngest child had no interest in finger knitting, she wanted to start a new stitching project. It just kills me how she concentrates so hard on each and every stitch...

Besides crafting, the last couple of days were spent entertaining cousins. The younger cousin enjoyed the fountains with the girls...

And us older cousins enjoyed the family tradition of finding any reason to drink champagne together...

And this is just a random picture because it keeps cracking us up, Jay caught Lola in the middle of a yawn and she totally looks like she was partying with champagne too...


  1. Loved catching up on your blog! Y'all have been so busy!
    much impressed!

  2. Hi Kate, thanks for checking in and leaving your comment. That little scarf is too cute, your girls are gorgeous and your cat is hysterical! Great photos!

  3. glad there are only drunk pix of the cat...drunk pix of us tend to be embarrassing.
    Thanks for letting me dump noodle on you and all that.
    We love the coconut scarf.
