Saturday, December 27, 2008

Handmade Holiday Goodness

There were some fantastic handmade gifts under the tree this year... here we are all modeling them in a cheesey Christmas morning picture:

My mom was verrrry busy. She made a scarf for my dad and brother. She knitted super cute mice for the girls and even made me a bat from a pattern I had put in my favorites on Ravelry. Most impressive was the stocking she made for Jay in three weeks!!! We saw the kit in a yarn shop the week of Thanksgiving and I thought she would get it done for next year, but no she is obviously a knitting superwoman. I made Jay the hat, it has been killing me to not post about it for months. It is the Kim's Hat pattern from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts, in cashmere. Here's a better look...
And the mice and bat (I have yet to come up with a suitable name...)

Now I must return to my holiday and more of this:


  1. where is a close up of the ring?

  2. Fun stuff. I love the bat! Your Mom is a SuperWoman!

  3. Thanks Melissa. Can't post a close=up of "the ring", it will blind you!!
    Grammy K.
