Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Toy

While still feeling confident after conquering my first pair of socks, I have decided to start on a project that I have been wanting to make pretty much since I first started knitting. I'm certainly not the only one, Ravelry has 9753 project listings for the Clapotis (from Knitty). This scarf/shawl has lots of stitches that I have never used, increases and dropped stitches. It is also started at a corner instead of an edge. I think it will be just the right challenge. Between and my mom I'm sure I can figure out the stitches, I just hope it's as easy as everyone says it is once you get started. Which brings me to what I did today! I got to break out my new yarn winder that my mom got me for Christmas. This is the same little winder that is used at the yarn shop where I have sock guild and is lots of fun. There is something very satisfying about taking a twisted skein of yarn and turning it into a nice neat ball ready to be knit.

1 comment:

  1. is the yarn in the picture what you will be using to make your scarf? it is gorgeous! my daughter loves the quilt on your blog home page...she thinks i should make a quilt like that! i agree with her, it is beautiful!
