Saturday, March 28, 2009


After I posted the first pics of my little wedding napkin project I got a comment from a reader suggesting that she and possibly others would be interested in contributing a napkin to my wedding. I thought to myself, nah, no one would want to do that. Then this reader posted on Sew Mama Sew and someone else showed interest. Then I had another comment. So, since this dear person named Mary, whom I have never met or even really talked to, planted this idea in my head I have spent a lot of time thinking about how gosh darn cool it would be to have actual real people who read my blog contribute to this. So I am shoving to the side my humble quiet nature and am just going to put the details out there. Even if I was only sent one little napkin I would be beside myself with excitement! If this is something you would like to participate in then hop on over to Mary's forum post and join in the chatter or leave a comment here (if she had a blog of course I would link but apparently she doesn't). The fabrics I am using are random ones that have a combination of turquoise/aqua/spring green. I have found these colors in the Amy Butler Daisy Chain line, the Moda Soiree line, some of Anna Maria Horners fabrics and others (a few samples shown in the pic). My squares are cut 9 inch square, put right sides together and sewn around the edge with a quarter inch seam. Of course I leave a hole to turn them right side out, press the unsewn fabric straight along the edge and sew a quarter inch seam aroung the edge again. Very basic. Oh, and I am using two different fabrics for the front and back. If you want to send one just email me at katebrid at gmail dot com and I will shamelessly send you my address.
Edited to Add: Forgot to mention two things... I clip the corners before turning them inside out and I don't wash my fabrics before sewing with them. I don't think it would make that much difference for the quilt I will eventually make out of these if some were prewashed, but I didn't want anyone to think that they needed to prewash the fabrics.


  1. hehehe....
    "..and the top was lifted ever so little a bit, and one wiggly worm/blogger poked it's head out.... before long many more followed until it became quite clear, that a can of worms/bloggers had been opened!"
    I can't have my own blog because I spend all my time reading everyone else's!

  2. I just found your blog and love it! I live in northern Atlanta suburbs also. When is your wedding (ie, napkin deadline...)? I'd love to help :-)

  3. I'm a sewing slacker but with Melissa as my motivator and a lot of upcomiggn free time, I definitely want to participate. It's always good to give back to the people who gave to you :)

  4. So I'm totally on board with this idea! But, I assume I'm still going to be mass producing "some" napkins :)!

  5. Hi everyone! trying to answer some of the questions...

    mau: just plain is fine, they are just going to get chopped into smaller pieces after the wedding

    Chris: the wedding is May 9th (eek!) thanks for coming by!

    Kristin: Hello dahling! of course would love a contribution from you, we need to catch up :)

    and Melissa I will have a stack to you soon.

    Mary sent me an email about specific fabrics, some ideas I gave her were:
    Amy Butler's
    clematis turquoise
    bouquet turquoise
    I don't have any happy stripe river but that would be cool
    bouquet natural
    clematis natural
    wildflowers turquoise
    sweet jasmine mist
    or Moda Soiree's:
    moss leaf bouquet
    leaf confetti in the aqua and the moss
    gazebo damask in the moss and aqua

  6. Ok, napkins will go in the mail tomorrow!
    15 total (10 from me and 5 from Sandy). This was fun!
