Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Completed Projects

I really couldn't remember any completed projects from this past year as I sat down to look through my pictures, besides the most recent socks of course.  I could only think of all the things that have kept me away from all the sewing and knitting that I would like to be getting done... the new full-time often overly demanding job, my youngest starting kindergarten and the demands of two girls in elementary school with homework and class parties and projects, the planning of a wedding and setting up of a new life with my dear hubbie, several bouts of various sicknesses running through the family the last couple of months... at first thought these events kept me away from my favorite past-times, but with a closer look at the pictures I realize that even when life is throwing crazy demands at you, you find time to work in the things that you love.

Socks were knit on the sly as the girls slept or we were out in Idaho, I fit in some less demanding projects on weekends like finishing a quilt that had been lingering for quite some time, whipping up easy skirts and dying yarn with my mom and aunt at a class.  And when my crafty endeavors were too big for the time I had available, close family and friends, and even internet friends, stepped in and helped me get everything completed. 

Those are now my favorite things... the wedding shawl my mom helped me finish and the ring pillows she helped me design and make.  The napkins that several people contributed to and the first quilt made mostly by my daughter but with lots of help from her proud mama.  It may not be all the things I wanted to do, but this collection represents a need to create and fitting that need in when possible.  I know 2010 will be no less crazy and possibly even more so, but I look forward to fitting this addiction into all the little cracks between living.  I hope all of you find the time to do something you love every chance you get too!  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Good work -- beautiful, completed projects. You should be proud.

    Love you,

    Aunt Jan
