America shares her birthday with my good friend, Melissa, who has been subtley suggesting that she may like some hand knit socks for her birthday. If subtle means comments on my blog, texts, and random quotes from Dr. Seuss' Fox In Socks on my facebook page. It's hard to deny someone that really appreciates a handmade gift, or someone so relentless about one, so I have been working away on these for the last few weeks. They aren't finished, it's challenging to find a sense of urgency for something that can't be worn until winter, but I will keep knitting away and by the time it is cool enough for her to stand having them on her feet they will be done.
As usual, my mom had to show me up and finish a coordinating project to go with the socks before I got the actual socks done, so Melissa gets these super cute fingerless gloves to match her socks. Happy Birthday Melissa!
OMG....I love them! I knew my subtle hints would finally work!