Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom, I Love You More Than Malabrigo

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but sometimes I get a little in over my head on the crafty front.  Some may even say I have wild aspirations about things I am going to accomplish that a sane human would never even consider.  This bag falls squarely in that category.  About a month after my most recent child was born, I decided I was going to make my mom this adorable knitted bag.  Just whip it up really.  Because, you know, I didn't have anything else going on.  It started quite well, I got it knit out of luscious Malabrigo and so what if I didn't have it finished by the time her birthday rolled around, I knew just seeing the outside would make my dear mom happy and that she would understand that I still needed to add a quick lining and handles, then give it back.  Well, AN ENTIRE YEAR has gone by since she first laid eyes on her half-finished present. Shameful!  A total knitted gift fail! However, I am happy to report that another birthday did not pass without it being finished.  Tonight at dinner, her birthday dinner to be exact, I was able to present her with a totally cute knitted bag.  Luckily she is one of those moms that knows I love her even without a finished project in hand, but it sure was satisfying to get this one delivered!  Don't worry, there was another gift as well, I didn't try to eek two birthdays out of one gift.  I'm slow, but not a total slacker.  From now on I'm going to be totally silent about knitted gifts until they are in their intended recipient's hands, finished!  Now, to get started on the oldest child's already promised late Christmas present...


  1. I LOVE my bag!!!!!!!!! I think I did a pretty good job of not bugging you during the year to finish it. I was content with you devoting the time to helping shape the tiny Audrey into the fabulous toddler she is.
    I am now working on displaying it.
    Congrats. on two posts in two days.

  2. Beautiful! Believe me, I understand total knitted fail. You may have spent too much time with me at an impressionable age. I NEVER seem to be able to accurately estimate what I can do in a reasonable amount of time. Lovely is better than on time.
