Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fun Way To Buy A Car

For the last few weeks we have been trying desparately to take advantage of the CARS credit from President Obama, but I was having major problems finding what I wanted. First I wanted an Altima Hybrid, but they aren't sold in Georgia or anywhere near. So, I decided on a Camry hybrid. By the time I started looking at them, they were completely sold out in Georgia. An Atlanta area dealer found one in North Carolina, but she was so rude about it that we decided we would buy any car except a car from her. So, I turned my sights towards a regular Camry, but no one in the area even had one with the features I wanted. Friday afternoon I was about to settle and buy one with most of the features I wanted, when a dealer that had also found a car for my aunt gave me a call and said they had one camry hybrid in stock and it was even the color I wanted. The only problem was that they were in Charleston, South Carolina. It was a fantastic price, but we just didn't think the clunker we were trading in would make it the six hour drive. Well get this, he said he would send someone to pick it up for us. Deal. Now that is customer service! We were off Saturday morning on a jaunt to Charleston, and I have to say it was tons of fun! We bought the car, had a decadent dinner with a celebratory bottle of champagne at a french bistro near out hotel, then got up this morning and ate brunch there again (yes, it was that tasty). We decided on a walk down to the market and endulged in one of out favorite ways to explore a city... with pictures. Lots of pictures of random stuff, like ourselves...

brick walls that would make great quilt patterns...

and lots of fleurs de lis. These are the symbol of St. Louis (Jay's hometown) so we always delight in finding them as ornamentation in other cities. Yes, I know the fleur de lis is a symbol widely used all over the place (it is pretty amazing how the French managed to work it in everywhere) for all different reasons, but it always reminds Jay of home and me of one of our favorite places.

Now my 90 mile work commute will be a little less painful (I averaged 35 mpg on the drive home) and we are quite convinced that we need to return to Charleston soon to play some more. It really was the most fun a person could have buying a car!


  1. May I come sniff the inside of your car? That is the closest to a new car smell I am going to get for a long time!

  2. The fleur-de-lis is the symbol for Louisville, KY too, which is where I'm currently living. I don't remember how I found your blog, unless I was searching for quilting blogs in Atlanta! I'm from Georgia and hope to move back relatively soon. I enjoy reading about your quilting adventures. Thanks!

  3. Yay! Now Mushu has a friend to play with.

  4. So glad to hear all went well! Can't wait till we get our call to pick up our car. Isn't Charleston wonderful?

    We'll have a new car party soon.

    Aunt Jan

  5. Congrats on the new car! We looked into getting a new car under this program but our van gets one mile per gallon over the limit. A Camry is one that we're looking into getting but it will be next year now. Would love to hear about your experiences with the hybrid.
