Monday, August 17, 2009

I Think We Finally Agree!

I have been trying to come up with a quilt block that Jay and I both really like to use to make our wedding napkins into a quilt. Ok, that is a complete lie. I have been trying for quite some time to convince Jay that he likes a block that I like, but he just doesn't. After some sulking and pouting I started to keep an eye out for something we both like and I think I found it! Well, he says he really likes it, but he may just be afraid of setting me off on another two months of loud sighs and sewing avoidance. Yes, I admit it, I can be a big baby when I don't get my way. When I stumbled across a new-to-me blog this weekend, The Sometimes Crafter, and her paper piecing tutorial for this block (she has a sampler going on, looks like tons of fun), I had a feeling it would look really great out of our fabrics, and I have to say I was right! It's a little more labor intensive of a block than I originally wanted to do, but it is still a circle which I really wanted, and even better it's a pointy circle. Like marriage sometimes. It's a very traditional block, but it took seeing it made up in some modern fabrics to really make me consider it. Those are quickly becoming my favorite patterns, traditional with a nice modern update. Paper piecing can be a bit fiddly, I think the problem is that it really makes you think since you are basically sewing backwards, but it will be a good challenge and I can't wait to see it come together.


  1. This is going to be a stunning (if fiddly to make) quilt.
    What a wonderful keepsake from your wedding day!!
    Andi :-)

  2. You are very brave!! It IS lovely.

  3. A "pointy circle"? Kind of like a thorny crown? :)

    For the record: I think it's fantastic!!!

    The Jay

  4. You are so right that marriage can sometimes be pointy. I think this is the perfect symbol for a marriage and it is absolutely beautiful!

    Aunt Jan

  5. Very pretty! I can't wait to see the whole quilt finished.

  6. Lol - yes, marriage is like a pointy circle. That is too funny. I agree 100% that traditional blocks take on a whole new feel with modern fabrics. When I started the sampler quilt along my girlfriends said they didn't want to do an "old" (aka traditional) quilt and I laughed and told them it's all we just use fun prints in those traditional pieces to make it "new".
