I made pants! For some reason I find this to be extremely clever of me. Maybe because they are the first pants I have ever made. Or maybe because they are so ridiculously easy to make and yet they actually turn out looking like pants. But really, best of all, and the reason I keep walking around the house randomly shouting, "yahoo! free!" is because up until this afternoon the main part of these pants was living a life as an old knit shirt in my giveaway Goodwill pile. Yep, I chopped up a shirt that I no longer liked and now the youngest child has spiffy new pants. They were originally meant to be pajama pants, but she says she is wearing them to school tomorrow, so there ya go. There is another reason I am thrilled. I hate, hate, hate buying pajamas. They are always ridiculously expensive for what you get and they are outgrown so fast. So, Amanda Soule's book was the inspiration for these. I added a spiffy cuff type thing and they also have a little band of the cuff fabric at the top too (around the elastic). The next pair may have more of a ruffle-y cuff, I think the cuff on this first attempt turned out a little narrow. Ok, so it isn't really a cuff because it isn't folded up, but hey, it could be, so that is what I am calling it. By now I have typed cuff way too many times, it doesn't even seem like it is a real word anymore. Now that I know how easy pants are I will be trying all sorts of crazy stuff (maybe even a real functioning cuff!). I know, I'm a wild woman.
Pants, pants, pants! The newest obsession! Can't wait to make me and mine some pants!
I think we should have a sewing slumber party where we make pants and pillowcases!
You must have a very talented Mom to be this talented!!!!!
(you know it is always all about me)
I can't wait to see them live!!!
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