Hard to believe there is now a 7 year old living in my house (even though sometimes lately it seems like she is about 13). I saw this quilt kit when we were in Nashville and fell in love with the Moda Full Moon Forrest fabrics (each one has different animals hidden in the design) and snatched it up with the intention of making a birthday quilt. Thank goodness the pattern, "Just Can't Cut It", was super simple and I was able to make it in basically two weekends. Melissa and mom came over for an intense Sunday sewing session last weekend and I got most of it done then.

Of course now the younger child is begging for a new quilt of her own. I am determined this week to finish the quilt that I started for her when she was born, um, almost five years ago. It has been waiting for binding that whole time. That is really, really embarrassing. Especially since it was just one piece of fairy fabric and one piece of minkie on the back. In my defense, everyone else made her quilts when she was born and mine was just a quick blanket I was whipping up to go with her fairy room. Sometimes it sucks to be the second child, but hopefully that will distract her for a bit until I come up with something fabulous for her January birthday.
Poor SECOND child, poor SECOND daughter.........
the quilt is loverly, love the washed look.
I love this quilt! L-O-V-E it! Looove it. Did I mention I love it? Bravo!
This is just beautiful. I forgot to call on the big day..happy late birthday K and C :)
Lovely quilt for a lovely girl! My girl turns 7 in about 2 weeks!
Love the colors! Very nice.
I love the colors and the piecing on the back.
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