Isn't she clever? If I were a cat I would sleep all morning right in front of the heat vent too. However, I always look at her and think how nice it would be if she had a little cat mat to lie on instead of the wood floor. Sure, I could throw down a dish towel and see if she even seemed to care, but what fun would that be? Yesterday while the girls were home from school for President's day and driving me crazy I decided to whip up a little mat for her (the shrimp are learning that while mom is using her sewing machine she will only fulfill about one out of fifty of their constant demands). It was also a chance to get in some free motion quilting practice before starting back in on the quilt I am currently working on. And um, of course the mat had to match the place mats I made a while back. Here is that mat in use, actually by Lyla's sister Lola, who all the sudden has decided that's a really good spot too, hmmmm:

And the placemats, made with the same Alexander Henry fabric with the pattern out of Amy Butler's In Stitches:

Sure, I may have issues, but what have you done for your cat today?
Ok, you are sooo crafty. 1st I love the valentines butterflies...how cute!! Way better than any of the ones you can buy in the store. The sunflower quilt is beautiful, the kitty dolls (sorry, what were they called again?) are so cute, and the placemats are gorgeous...seriously, when I come home can you show me how to sew? All your stuff looks like so much fun to make!!
Did you make an extra large kitty mat for Lola?
um, I make them cat nip pillows, out of home grown cat-nip....
But that mat by the heater is AWESOME - and your kitty looks as if to say: "It took ya long enough!" ;)
A beautiful mat for beautiful cat! Love it :)
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